Inbound Pro Podcast: Blog Tips | Blogging | Online Business

Inbound Pro Podcast: Blog Tips | Blogging | Online Business

Latest Episodes

58: Smartest Things Ever Said about Getting Things Done
September 04, 2015

Getting through my To-Do list is hard sometimes. Some days I'm excited about getting to work and other days I just want to sleep (hey, I'm human). So I went out and found some of the most inspiring and motivational quotes about getting stuff done and I co

57: How to Never Run Out of Content Ideas
September 03, 2015

Not knowing what to write about (or talk about in your podcast) is probably the biggest roadblock people face when getting started. This is the reason blogs get abandoned and podcasts stop at episode 16 never to be heard again. [smart_track_player url="ht

56: Top 10 Product Launch Tips from the Pros
September 02, 2015

Product launches have a lot of moving parts. It takes a strategic plan to execute one successfully and today we'll be hearing from some people who have successfully launched products, courses, ebook, and even software in the past. [smart_track_player url=

55: Why You Should Take Massive Action Today
September 01, 2015

Tony Robbins once said, "The key to success is massive determined action" and I couldn't agree with him more. This idea that you have in your head, this goal you want to achieve it actually possible if you put in the work. Today we'll be talking about why

54: Why Your Ebook Won’t Sell
August 31, 2015

Writing an ebook that sells is no easy feat. It takes a lot of time, effort, and work (not including blood, sweat and tears) to get it done. In today's episode we'll be talking about 4 reasons why your ebook might not sell and how to fix them before you p

53: How to Avoid Blogging Failure (part 2)
August 28, 2015

You have the potential to write and run a successful blog and I'm here to guide you. In part 1 we shared the first 6 ways to avoid complete and utter failure after starting your blog. Today we'll be covering another 7-9 ideas to keep in mind when building

52: Marketing Ideas That Don’t Work Anymore (and what does)
August 27, 2015

Some marketing strategies are too old to work today. Times change and they're changing fast. Today we talk about 5 of these marketing ideas that used to work online, but don't seem to get you the same results today. My goal is to help you avoid wasting yo

51: How Not to Do Email Marketing
August 26, 2015

Email marketing is essential to building your audience, establishing trust and authority, and selling your courses and services. But more often than not, it's done wrong. Today I talk about a bad experience I had with a huge company and why I will never s

50: How to Avoid Blogging Failure (Part 1)
August 25, 2015

Many blogs fail. They don't last long enough to see their first year anniversary. Why is that? ...and more importantly, what can we do as bloggers and content creators to avoid building one of those thousands of blogs that gets abandoned? It's all inside

49: Attracting Local Clients with a Blog
August 24, 2015

Should you blog to grow a local business? The answer is yes and in today's episode I'm going to share my story of how one simple blog was used to earn $5,000+ worth of business in a weird service niche. Ever heard of plasti dip? Well, I used to paint cars
