Inbound Pro Podcast: Blog Tips | Blogging | Online Business

Inbound Pro Podcast: Blog Tips | Blogging | Online Business

Latest Episodes

38: 12 Blog Post Types You Can Use Today
August 07, 2015

What are blog post archetypes? Well in today's episode of the Inbound Pro podcast I go into 12 different types of posts you can write on your blog to attract the audience you want. These post types are responsible for the thousands of visitors I get every

37: Ebook Blueprint Sample Chapter on Value, Pricing and Packaging
August 06, 2015

How do you price an ebook? Do you price on value or page count? What if you want to make money than just $10 from your book, what then? This episode will answer all of those questions and more. I talk about perceived value and how to price an ebook the sm

36: Actionable Steps to Building Your Authority Online
August 05, 2015

Building an audience online is much easier to do when people see you as an expert in your field. People want to learn from experts because they know best and have experienced enough to be able to teach. At least that what we tell ourselves. [smart_track_p

35: Psychology of Blogging: What Your Readers Wish You Knew
August 04, 2015

Listen to your audience. They will tell you what you need to write about, record episodes about and post videos about. This episode is about a few things your readers wish you knew about them. It will help you understand blogging through your readers mind

What Do You Want to Learn About? Send me an email.
August 03, 2015

Quick question: What do you want to learn more about? What are you struggling with right now? Are your plans to grow and audience and sell courses, ebooks, and membership sites? Or do you want to offer coaching and consulting services? The reason I ask is

34: 10 Ebook Mistakes You Absolutely Want to Avoid
July 31, 2015

Writing ebooks isn't easy, especially writing one that you want to sell. In today's episode of the Inbound Pro podcast we talk about some of the most common ebook mistakes first time authors make and how to avoid them. [smart_track_player url="http://inbo

33: How to Use The Free Editorial Calendar
July 30, 2015

Do you have an editorial calendar? If not, then I suggest you create one to help you stay on track with your publishing schedule. This episode will go through the editorial calendar that I provide for you inside the Content Library and will give you ideas

32: Why Your Blog Makes No Money
July 29, 2015

Why isn't your blog making any money? Well, there may be a few reasons, but in today's episode of the Inbound Pro Podcast we dive into 4 of those. Not only will you discover why the income isn't coming in, you'll also learn how to fix those problems when

31: How to Build an Unshakable Blog Foundation
July 28, 2015

Your blog's foundation needs to be strong if you're in this for the long haul. In today's episode I talk about some actionable steps you can take to make sure you're setting yourself up for success and avoid creating a website and business that people for

30: 7 Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators
July 27, 2015

Successful bloggers, podcasters and content creators are only as successful as the habits they've formed throughout their journey. In this episode I talk about 7 of those success habits that will help you become a better content producer. Hope you enjoy t
