Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers

Sarah Westall - Business Game Changers

Sarah Westall on the Mike Adams Show – Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare

June 24, 2024

Sarah Westall joins Mike Adams on his Health Ranger show to discuss the docuseries "Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare" airing on Brighteon University.
Here is the series description: Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare by Sarah Westall dives deep into the science and psychology behind mind control tactics and how “they” are using them to control the mass population and influence real-world situations. Join us for an eye-opening discussion with renowned expert Sarah Westall and many others, as they reveal the depths of government manipulation and its impact on society.
In this exclusive streaming event, our experts will uncover the tactics used to control the masses, from subliminal messaging to 5G technology warfare techniques.
You can sign up now and watch for free starting June 29th at


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Mike Adams Biography:
Mike Adams (aka the "Health Ranger") is a pro-liberty, pro-America, pro-life author, inventor, publisher, prepper, podcaster and platform architect for free speech platforms. Adams publishes (a health freedom news site) and founded, an online retailer of laboratory tested clean foods, superfoods, nutritional supplements and personal care solutions. As part of his work in promoting and protecting free speech, Adams founded (a free speech video platform), launched (a free speech alternative to Twitter), created Brighteon.TV (a live streaming news and commentary platform with 50+ hosts), launched (an audio stream platform with 12+ additional hosts) and is currently developing several additional projects to support free speech and independent voices around the world.
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