Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

Business Connections Live - The UK's Leading Online Business TV Channel

BCL74 Business Success The Secrets

March 24, 2015

The Secrets of Business Success
On this show, Debbie Huxton reveals how anybody can be successful.
Ask yourself  this question, is your business where you want it to be?
To run a business you need to be emotionally bullet proof it’s like a rollercoaster and to build a brand there are things you need to apply courage consistency and discipline
Debbie will share key strategies essential to creating a business and life that you love, that gives you passion, purpose, and profit!

Key Strategies: For Business Success

Thoughts – who do you believe you are and how is this affecting your life
Vision – what are you trying to achieve how BIG is that picture
Relationship – how is your relationship with yourself and how are your relationships with others
Influence – how are you perceived, your brand is not what you do its what people say about when you have left the room
Risk – safe is the new risky, be prepared to take calculated risk and accept they may not pay off
Time management – time for you, me time, self reflection, self awareness, self care, success rituals these are necessary.
Lifelong learning – regardless of age level of success or gender you can always do more, and be more. Never stop studying yourself and your business know yourself & your inside out



What You Will Learn and Achieve

 Building a strong influential brand/business is so much more than a logo and a website with a sprinkling of networking. Most people don’t get the ground work right and this leads to issues later on.
Save time and money by getting the basics right = less mistakes and less chance of manipulation and I am talking from experience of being ripped off by a business coach in 2010 and nearly losing my home!

These are necessary self exploration, self reflection, self awareness, self confidence self worth self esteem and self care all make up a solid foundation for a successful business.
YOU are your brand and if you are not right then, no amount of money will put it right.
Debbie has taken her business over the last 5 years from having to raid her kids piggy bank to buy petrol to get to meetings to now turning over 5 figures a month as a one man band with an incredible team of support around her she has built a credible reputable brand ‘BIGWISDOM’ that is fast becoming a well known and respected brand name. Life hasn’t always been easy and its served many curve balls that’s the reason she does what she does today. Her experiences are what set her apart from the crowd.
Her successful business includes

Executive coaching for business owners who want that sounding board and objectivity.
A monthly mastermind group for driven successful biz owners
And has recently launched her Business Wisdom Hub in Birmingham, next month Burnley and in April London. The hub is a membership community of like minded business owners coming together 3 hours a month for group mentoring including a guest speaker, focusing on Marketing Strategy Sales and MotivACTION
Plus her BIGWISDOM merchandise range that includes the famous little book, calendars, canvasses and new merchandise under development a series of hypnosis mp3’s to help with stress, anxiety, sleep confidence and motivation
The BIGWISDOM app created by Richard Eaton of Appware will be launched for her birthday March 18th

For more information go to
Business Connections Live Programme 74
This is the Business Connections Live Business Channel on YouTube Business Connections Live Programme 74. Broadcast 2nd March 2015
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