Nearly News

Nearly News

Episode 090 Jive Turkey

November 20, 2018

It's a Thanksgiving episode as we talk about strange foods brought to dinner, more reasons why Jani is the only woman for me (Hint: It has to do with something nerdy), Taylor stops by to play the game Rap Or Crap and we also touch on news from around the World you probably never heard about, one sarcastic story at a time.
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The Burr Martin Experience podcast, brought to you by Pants Pending Studios, is hosted by the Internet's "Selfie Dad", who was made famous overnight by recreating his daughters selfies on Instagram. Have you ever heard those shows where two parents toss witty banter towards each other as they talk about their kids for more than half the show? Well, this ain't one of those shows. This is what marriage with kids is really like. A product of Pants Pending Studios. This is a copyrighted internet broadcast. Any reproduction or rebroadcast without express permission of its creators is strictly prohibited.