Bulldog Bulletin

Bulldog Bulletin

Latest Episodes

The Music Man
February 18, 2020

In this episode of the podcast we’ll visit with some of our many talented staff and students at Beck and discuss why you should come see our performance of the Music Man on February 21 and 22nd.

A Cultural Holiday Season!
December 22, 2019

In this episode will explore the diverse backgrounds of students and staff at Beck Elementary, and discover how they celebrate their culture over the winter break.

Social Emotional Learning @ Beck
December 03, 2019

In this episode you’ll learn more about SEL, and why Beck teachers incorporate it into the things students do in class. ❤️

Bulldog Blitz
November 13, 2019

Learn about the history of Beck’s amazing Bulldog Blitz and how you can help your favorite elementary school!

True Blue & New
September 27, 2019

In the first episode of the 2019-20 school year, you’ll meet our new Podcasters and get to know the new teachers at Beck.

Service Learning Projects
April 30, 2019

Service Learning Projects are an integral part of our True Blue culture at Beck. Learn more about them in this episode.

Exploring the hidden talents and interesting facts about Beck’s teachers
February 27, 2019

Get to know all about your favorite Beck teachers in this episode!

February 27, 2019

Come visit us at Expo February 28th at 6:30.

Episode 2: True Blue Origins
January 18, 2019

An in depth look at the culture of success at Beck.

Episode 1: Back in Time
January 16, 2019

History of your favorite school!