Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Latest Episodes

Put In The Work, No Matter What! 5049
May 03, 2018

The world no longer cares about who you are, where you came from or whatever has (or hasn’t) happened to you. ZZ Top sang, “I’m bad, I’m nationwide.” Well, the good news is we’re all bad and global (if we want to be) now…thanks to mobile technology.

What To Do When Trouble Hits 5048
April 30, 2018

I’m a longtime fan of the music of Ry Cooder. In 1979 he released a record entitled, Bop ‘Til You Drop. One of the great songs on that record is, “Trouble, You Can’t Fool Me.” <span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; ...

Are Your KPI’s Killing Your Chances To Be Remarkable? 5047
April 26, 2018

What’s driving your KPI’s? Why do they exist? How are you managing them? Let’s chat about how KPI’s can kill our chances to be remarkable. Subscribe to the podcast To subscribe, please use the links below: Click Here to Subscribe via iTunes Click Here ...

The Trifecta Of Business Building – 5046
April 19, 2018

Three intersecting circles with a single spot where they all overlap. The sweet spot. That ideal place where the magic happens!  For our business, it’s a place we may not often reach, but we aim for it. And sometimes we hit it. When we don’t,

I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry – 5045
April 18, 2018

Hank Williams wrote the song in 1949 due to the troubled marriage he had. It’s a sad refrain and I suspect it grew popular (even though it was a B-side record, meaning it wasn’t intended to be the song it became) because it’s such a universal feeling.

CEO’s Can Be Wrong, Even When We’re Convinced We’re Right (What Marc Benioff Learned From Another Person’s Experience & Perspective) – 5044
April 16, 2018

Last night on CBS’ 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl did a piece on Salesforce about gender pay equality. During the segment, she spoke with Salesforce founder and CEO Marc Benioff who was remarkably candid about his company’s failings. Salesforce employs 30,

The Ethics of Leadership – 5043
April 13, 2018

  This week Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been appearing before a Senate committee on privacy, data breaches and the ethics of using customer data.  Volkswagen appointed a new CEO to replace a leader who had the awful task of navigating ...

Learning To Lead Begins With Learning To Follow – 5042
April 09, 2018

My generation was raised by the World War II or Korean War generation (I only use that to give context to our parents’ generation). Old school.  Just the other morning Twitter was somewhat buzzing about a little video clip of Alabama’s football coach,

Advantages Of Being Hit In The Mouth – 5041
April 03, 2018

If the market doesn’t hit you in the mouth, then the economy will. You may think Mike Tyson is an idiot, but he did say something very smart. Everyone has a plan ’til they get punched in the mouth. Here’s the list of recessions I’ve experienced since I...

What Are You Thinking? – 5040
March 30, 2018

I’m old so I’ve encountered my fair share of dumb ideas. Many of them were my own. I own my stupidity. Why not? It’s hard to hide from it, so you may as well lean into it. And hopefully, learn from it. Do you have any recurring dreams? Or nightmares?