Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Latest Episodes

Your Fears Don’t Care – Season 2020, Episode 11
March 03, 2020

“When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.

True Confessions: A Conversation With Me – Season 2020, Episode 10
February 28, 2020

Earlier in the week, I had a conversation with somebody and I recorded my side of it because it felt like the conversation was going in a direction where I thought you could benefit. I edited it into some material that I hope encourages and inspires yo...

Make It So Easy You Can’t Avoid Doing It – Season 2020, Episode 9
February 25, 2020

As much as I love the anonymous quote — “Everything is hard until it’s easy” — there’s a powerful way to move forward toward an accomplishment. Make it so easy you can’t avoid doing it. There’s lots of ancient wisdom about tackling a task by breaking i...

Make Friends Of People Who Want Your Best (And People For Whom You Want What’s Best) – Season 2020, Episode 8
February 18, 2020

Look around. At your friends. At the people who surround you. The people with whom you interact the most. These people who influence your life. These people with whom you spend much or most of your time. - Echoing the law of averages,

Valentine’s Day: Heart Stuff Isn’t Just For Romance – Season 2020, Episode 7
February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day. I know. An odd thing for business. But not really. All business is comprised of both head and heart. Well, to be fair and accurate — it’s all head stuff. Brain stuff. That’s where all the heart stuff happens.

Compassion: The Missing Link – Season 2020, Episode 6
February 11, 2020

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”  – Aesop The return we get – let’s start out thinking about ourselves because that’s what we tend to do anyway (put ourselves first) – from kindness is immeasurable.

Questions: The Key To Improved Group (and individual) Understanding – Season 2020, Episode 5
February 04, 2020

High-performing groups and teams are fixated on one big thing – understanding! The key to understanding is one simple, but not always easy activity – asking questions. Being high-performing isn’t easy. Ever. It takes hard work,

One Chapter Does Not Tell Your Whole Story – Season 2020, Episode 4
January 28, 2020

The power of others is most evident when we get into trouble. The trouble that we create through our own foolishness, negligence or stupidity. I know you don’t want to admit it, but we’ve all experienced it. Nobody is immune.

The High Value Of Caring Challenges – Season 2020, Episode 3
January 21, 2020

Last week I read yet another article about the dangers of executive coaching. One of the dangers listed was the morphing of the relationship into a friendship where the coach is no longer pushing or challenging the client.

Leverage Others To Be More Creative In Solving Problems – Season 2020, Episode 2
January 14, 2020

Making decisions. Solving problems. It’s THE job of top-level executives and business owners. The higher up the food chain, the more critical the decisions and solutions. Lower level or mid-level decisions have an impact,