Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

What’s Your Ideal Outcome? (Why Optimism Fuels Higher Performance)

August 27, 2021

Transcript of today’s special episode where I pull back the curtain on my coaching process.
Welcome to high-impact influence the podcast.
The website is Grow Great dot com, you can also get there by going to High Impact Influence dot com, but Grow Great dot com is just easier to remember. I’m your host Randy Cantrell coming to you from Dallas Fort Worth, Texas.
We’re winding down August.
And I thought today we’d just fire things up and answer some frequently asked questions.
I will tell you that I have, really since the beginning of summer, and frankly, a little bit before I had the idea if somebody would let me kind of record one of the coaching sessions, I just thought it would be incredibly valuable so that people could kind of see how the sausage is made, did not anticipate it being quite as difficult to get someone to be agreeable to do that.
said, you know, we won’t use any names. And we can even kind of, we can even kind of script out a little bit, you know, bullet point, kind of what we want to talk about, but just to give some people an idea, and nobody wanted to take me up on it, which is fine, I get it. I get it. The reason for it is because I’m regularly asked what’s different. Because if you go to the website, and you check my about page, which is I think it’s really titled, work with me, I’ve said forever, the way that I operate is just very, very different.
And I can tell you straight up why. Because the way that I operate is not scalable. I mean, not at all, it’s a horrible business model. I just don’t happen to care, because it’s the way I roll. And it’s the way I’m kind of wired to roll. And clients get enormous benefit. So they tell me from it, it is incredibly personal and confidential, which is why people were very reluctant to even anonymously, kind of pull the curtain back.
I say on my website, and it bears repeating here.
Consulting is give a man a fish, just do this for me. I don’t I don’t want to learn how I just need somebody to do this work for me. And I don’t do that coaching, we typically think of it as teaching a man to fish coach a man how to fish. I don’t do that either. Instead, I want to help you figure out do you even like fish? And so if I had to sum up all of my work, I would sum it up in the phrase, your ideal outcome? What is your ideal outcome? clients are stuck. They are going through some particular crisis. There’s been some events, some circumstance, some situation that hasn’t derailed them, but kind of sorta, I come in during moments where there’s high levels of pain, high levels of suffering. And largely, it doesn’t matter who’s at fault, right? We all get fixated on well, where can I assess the blame? We focus on responsibility, we focus on individual personal responsibility, and how we can best be served. And so part of the frequently asked questions, I guess, the most honest way for me to answer the question of, you know, how do you operate? And how is it different?
In the coaching space, you really need to work at scaling, if you want to make any kind of income from it. And while earning a living is important to me, it’s not the priority. And it’s not because I’m Noble. It’s because I’m frugal. And it’s because I don’t need much money. And is because at this age in life as a mature guy who’s got a lifetime of experience, it’s just really important to me, to not only pass it on but to help other people figure these things out for themselves. And so, I’m very fixated on my practice in helping people figure it out for themselves. It doesn’t matter if I figure it out for you. You got to figure it out for yourself. It doesn’t matter what I believe in what I think and what I feel it matters what you think and...