Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

People Aiming Higher vs. People Aiming Lower – Grow Great Daily Brief #225 – June 11, 2019

June 11, 2019

Recently I've been leveraging the power of character strengths to help leaders and business owners figure out improved team alignment. It begins with leaders having an enlightened awareness of their own character. This isn't a talent or skill based strength. Rather, it's character. It's much more geared toward the essences of who you are at a particular moment. Think of it as how you roll. Your default operating system.

When it comes to any conversation about the people who surround us alignment is important. Especially when it's people who make up our team. But it's important when it comes to who we allow to influence us.

No man is an island. True enough. Even loners suffer impact from others. Today more than any other time in my lifetime, people are influenced by complete strangers. People we don't know. People we've never met. People we'll never meet. People we interact with - or listen to via Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Linkedin. There's a collective noise that impacts us even though these people are largely people who don't know us. Certainly not well enough to understand the context of our life. But still we may listen to them.

Today I'm focused on just two groups of people: people aiming higher or people aiming lower.

You may be thinking, "Who aims lower?" Plenty of people. Just look at their behavior and choice. Foolishness knows no bounds. These people aren't aiming higher. Many aren't aiming at all. They're just putting one foot in front of the other pursuing whatever they most want at the time.

If people aren't aiming higher does that mean they're naturally aiming lower? Yes. Otherwise, you'd have to argue that being aimless isn't aiming lower. :D

Before we get to that though, let's think about who we listen to. Who influences us. There are 2 groups: a) those we recognize who influence us (the people we intentionally allow) and b) those we may not be aware of (the people we may not consciously give permission, but we really do care what they think).

Think about both groups. Be thoughtful enough to improve your awareness of these people.

Now, armed with that, dig deep and be even more mindful about whether these people are aiming higher or lower. Don't be wishy-washy. Make your determination quickly. You know the answer.

Let me help you. People either fuel you and help you reach higher, climb higher and perform better. Or they don't. It's binary. It's one or the other. No middle ground.

Go through your list of people and think arrow UP or arrow DOWN. Arrow UP means they elevate you. Arrow DOWN means they sap you diminishing your energy.

Go as deeply into the roster of people who surround you as you'd like. Family. Friends. Business acquaintances. Company teammates. Direct reports. Social media connections. Cultural figures you pay attention to. Anybody. Everybody.

Brace yourself because many people who dare do this exercise find the roster filled with people who don't help them at all. Rather, many rosters are filled with people who drain energy, deter high performance and squash courage.

Let's start with the negative influencers - the folks aiming low. You won't change them. Why spend any energy or time trying to convert them? People who see the storm clouds off in the distance even though the skies above us are clear...what do you suppose you can do to change them? NOTHING. Well, that's not entirely true. You can waste your time and pump more energy into trying to get them to embrace the clear skies directly overhead. But it's a losing proposition. Unless you just enjoy evangelizing to unbelievers who will never convert --- because they don't want to.

That's why being surrounded by victims will rub off on you. And why fear mongers will increase your fears.

So what do you do? First,