Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Let’s Pursue The Impractical (And Be Unreasonable) – Grow Great Daily Brief #223 – June 7, 2019

June 07, 2019

I'm a practical person. And rather proud of it. But the strength can be a weakness when it's deployed too much. Or in the wrong way. For instance, it can prevent me from thinking big enough. But it never prevents me from idealism - so I can be a walking contradiction much of the time. It makes me special. ;)

Idealism is the ongoing pursuit of the way things SHOULD be. The dictionary defines idealism this way:
the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, especially unrealistically
An idealist is a person who follows their ideals even to the point of impracticality.

This week we've talked a bit about beliefs and perspective, especially how we see things. It's the Pogo cartoon line circa 1971, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Indeed we often are our worst enemy. Especially when it comes to dreaming big, thinking big, aiming high and pursuing the impractical.

I choose to end this week on a note of innovation, creativity and impossibility thinking. I'm bored with possibility thinking. And with practical. It's much more fun to consider what's impractical and what may be impossible.

I'm blessed with five grandkids who range in age from 12 (almost) to 4 (almost). Even the oldest is more ideal than practical. I'm curious when the idealism will give way to the practical. I know it's coming because it comes for all of us.

The interesting thing is how easy impractical is for kids. They don't know any better. What kid would have as much fun by being practical? There's no fun in that.

I'm sure the adults in these kid's lives will tell them that's not how the real world works. We'll send them other signals that will methodically squash their idealism. I'm sad about that, but I don't know to fully prevent it. I can only hope to instill in them my encouragement to keep dreaming and thinking as big as they want.

It's the Ying and Yang of being responsible (practical) while embracing a safe margin of dreaming (being impractical).

Cason is my almost 4-year-old grandson. I nicknamed him Road Rash Roy over 2 years ago because he's adventurous and always had some scrape on his face. Road rash from a fall or something.

Roy was scaringly fearless the first couple of years of his life. He's still pretty fearless, but he was afraid of water. Even after taking swimming lessons for two summers, he's still not a big fan of getting in the pool. Such is the nature of fear. It is what it is. Who knows why?

I mention "Roy" because nothing in his life is based on practicality. Well, nothing I can think of. Roy's whole life is the pursuit of the impractical.

He grabs a PlayStation game controller from an older cousin without any idea what to do. When the older kids try to show him what to do, he's completely uninterested. He'll jerk away from them, controller in a death grip, and declare, "I can do it." Nevermind that he can't. He doesn't care what you or anybody thinks. The kid is stubborn and determined. Best to leave him alone and let him figure it out.

Seconds go by and he's frustrated out of his mind. He'll carry on unleashing his frustration. But you can't help him 'cause he won't let you. He's completely unreasonable. :D

We grow up (and out of) being unreasonable. But we tend to do it across all areas of our life. And it stifles our creativity, innovation, and dreams. I don't want Roy to stop dreaming. Or to stop dreaming big.

In 2007 author Paul Lemberg wrote a book entitled, Be Unreasonable: The Unconventional Way To Extraordinary Business Results. It's been years since I read it but it still sits on my shelves.