Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Grow Great - A City Government Leadership Podcast

Metcalfe’s Law: The Value Of A Network (323)

September 23, 2019

Metcalfe's Law was originally about telecommunications networks.

The value of a network grows in proportion to the square of the number of users, which means once a network reaches a certain size, it becomes somewhat irresistibly attractive.

Tim Sanders in his classic book, LOVE IS THE KILLER APP, wrote this:

"Someday this will be true for all of us: Our network will equal our net worth."

Tim cited Metcalfe's Law in the book. And with solid logic and clear understanding. He makes a great point that while not all connections will result in something positive, the cost is virtually nothing, which means you've lost nothing. Psychologically you may feel you lost something, but Sander's advice is spot on, in my opinion. Get over it.

It's Not Who You Know, But It's Who Knows You

I've mostly been comfortable with who and what I am. Sure, like most, I'm able to daydream of what it'd be like to be more athletic, more musically talented, a gifted cartoonist, a talented novelist and many other endeavors that seem beyond my capacities. And I'm able to daydream of what it'd be like to be more socially extroverted, to be somebody who really enjoys crowds, to be somebody who is more of "life of the party" kind of person. But I'm not that guy and mostly I'm good with it.

But I confess if there was one thing I wish I had done thing I wish my natural wiring would have more easily would be to be comfortable in crowds. To be more extroverted.

It's not who I've ever been. While I can appear extroverted, I'm truly not. And it's exhausting to me. I used to confuse that personality trait with the ability to effectively network. While it may be true that an extrovert can create a bigger network faster, it doesn't mean the network is more effective.

Today, I've only got one intention - to encourage you to think of your network while thinking of the networks of which you're a part. More importantly, I want to inspire you to connect for the sake of value. First, the value you can provide. Next, the value you may be able to gain. But...

If neither happen, it's fine.

If only one happens, then make sure you provide the value. That's more important than you getting value - although, it's easy to argue that by providing value you're automatically getting value. I mean some more qualitative value though.

A few weeks ago I had an Ethernet cable that connected my computer to my modem. The connector going into my computer wasn't able to make a solid connection. The result? My computer network - a network required for my computer to access the Internet - was broken. A new cable restored the connection.

Think of yourself that way. Do it first inside your company with your team. Do it for your team members. Remember, the value of the network is the number of users. More is better. In human connections, quality matters. That is, the value each human connection can provide matters.

I get Linkedin requests constantly from people who want a connection because they want to extract something from me. People anxious to sell me something. If somebody sent me a connection request telling me upfront, "Hi, Randy. I noticed you work with CEOs, entrepreneurs and executives. I work with other service professionals like you and I'd like to share with you some of the services I provide to help professionals save time and money." At least it would be an honest connection request. But most don't do that. They send a bait and switch connection request and if I connect almost immediately I get a long sales pitch message. It's sleazy and shows me they aren't interested in any kind of a value proposition. They're certainly not that interested in me, except as a potential paying customer. And I respect sales and marketing.