Buildings and Beyond - Steven Winter Associates, Inc.

Buildings and Beyond - Steven Winter Associates, Inc.

Air-Tightness Testing and Building Codes in Australia with Sean Maxwell

August 20, 2020

Standard construction (both in America and Australia) is sometimes a “race to the bottom” of who can satisfy the building code at the lowest cost. We know this doesn’t always result in better buildings, so we have to educate the industry and encourage a commitment to quality based on solid science. This is what our guest, Sean Maxwell, devoted his career to after moving to Australia and finding himself underwhelmed by the presence of building science principles in the local codes and standards.
This episode raises a few important questions: How do we improve the quality of construction? How does the effort differ in Australia vs. America? And how does the “carrots and sticks” approach to code enforcement relate to building performance, and is it effective? Listen and start thinking!

Episode Guest: Sean Maxwell, ATTMA Australia & New Zealand

Sean Maxwell is the Australia and New Zealand Scheme Manager of ATTMA, a global association of building air-tightness-testers. He formerly worked with Steven Winter Associates, Inc. in New York City before moving to Australia in 2015. Now, Sean works with Pro Clima Australia as a Technical Manager. He is also a committee member of Standards Australia, works to improve building codes and standards, and helps regulators and stakeholders see the value in building envelope commissioning through air tightness testing.
Episode Information & Resources

* Air Tightness Testing and Measurement Association (ATTMA)
* Excuse Me, Your Building Is Leaking – Podcast episode by “Positive Energy”
* House Energy Efficiency Inspections Project – Leakiness of Australian standard building
* Why we should change our building air tightness metrics – (stop using ACH50!)
* The Basics ...