Buildings and Beyond - Steven Winter Associates, Inc.

Buildings and Beyond - Steven Winter Associates, Inc.

'All-Access' with Peter Stratton

August 21, 2018

There are approximately 57 million Americans living with disabilities in the United States; worldwide, people with disabilities make up 15% of our population. Given this information, we must do our part to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to opportunities afforded to everyone – starting with equal access to buildings.
This week’s guest is a long-time accessibility expert who serves as the Managing Director of SWA’s Accessibility Services, Peter Stratton. Peter begins the episode with an overview of the existing accessibility requirements in the U.S. and highlights additional measures that should be taken to ensure inclusiveness for all. Join us to learn how we can foster a more accessible built environment through careful design and planning. 
Episode Guest: Peter Stratton

Peter Stratton is a Senior VP and the Managing Director of Accessibility Services at SWA. Under his leadership, the firm’s Accessibility Consulting Team provides services for a variety of private and public clients nationwide, including the owner of the largest privately owned residential real estate portfolio in New York City, two of the top-ten largest housing authorities in the U.S., and the largest shelter system in the U.S. He is the author of a variety of industry publications, including A Basic Guide to Fair Housing Accessibility – Everything Architects and Builders Need to Know About the Fair Housing Act Accessibility Guidelines, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Episode Information and Resources
A Basic Guide to Fair Housing Accessibility: Everything Architects and Builders Need to Know About the Fair Housing Act Accessibility Guidelines
Designing for Passive House and Accessibility Requirements
Cost of Accessible Housing
Accessible Housing by Design: Universal Design Principles in Practice
Aging in Place Guide for Building Owners
Accessibility Posts on PartyWalls Blog
Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
International Building Code (IBC) Chapter 11
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About Buildings and Beyond
Buildings and Beyond is a production of Steven Winter Associates. We provide energy, green building, and accessibility consulting services to improve the built environment. For more information, visit