Building Jerusalem

Building Jerusalem

Latest Episodes

#80 - Richard Kemp
May 28, 2024

#79 - Elisha Ancselovits
February 07, 2024

#78 - Azar Gat
January 03, 2024

#77 - Aleeza Ben Shalom
November 08, 2023

#74 - Yehuda Niasoff
May 17, 2022

#73 - Sam Benjamin
May 10, 2022

#72 - Eddy Boas
October 15, 2019

Eddy Boas is a child survivor of the Holocaust and author of “I’m Not a Victim, I Am a Survivor”, which tells the story of how he and his family made it through the Holocaust.

#71 - Gershon Avtzon
September 17, 2019

Gershon Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Menachem in Jerusalem, commonly know as "the RAP".