Building Local Power

Building Local Power

Inside Scoop on Local News’ Future

June 21, 2024

Veteran journalist, Harry Jaffe, reflects on his four-decade career dedicated to covering some of Washington D.C.’s stories, emphasizing the crucial role of local reporters in holding public officials accountable and keeping communities informed. Harry, founder of Spotlight DC, a nonprofit supporting investigative journalism, underscored the challenges facing local media amidst economic pressures and shifting consumer habits. He lamented the decline of resources allocated to local coverage, citing the closure of institutions like DCist as a significant loss for the community.

Harry is hopeful that Councilmember Janeese Lewis George's Local News Funding Act, which proposes allocating $11.5 million in direct funding to media outlets that are chosen by DC residents, will potentially reshape the landscape of local news coverage. Harry’s message resonates beyond the Beltway, urging communities everywhere to support the journalists dedicated to telling the community’s stories.