Build A Life After Loss Podcast

Build A Life After Loss Podcast

Ep #162 Spiritual Aspects of Loss

June 29, 2022

Recently I was interviewed for a divorce summit that will air in August. One of the questions that I was asked had to do with the spiritual aspects of loss and grief. While I loved the interview, and it was a powerful discussion there were answers I wished I had shared. So, I decided to give you those answers here, on the podcast. Enjoy these empowering concepts of hope during our darkest days. We have more help than we realize and today I share stories from my own experiences with the spiritual aspects of loss and grief.

In the True Hope Club in July we’ll be discussing creating more joy in our life again after loss. After months and years of grieving we have to learn to feel and experience joy again and this is the class to do that.

Join me today in the True Hope Club at for more grief healing support, encouragement, and tools for rebuilding your life one gentle step at a time.

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