Build A Life After Loss Podcast

Build A Life After Loss Podcast

Ep #151 Hope in Relationships

April 06, 2022

It’s common for relationships to suffer during grief. When we’re in pain, that pain gets projected into a lot of areas of our life. Being aware of what’s happening and why is crucial to restoring the hope in your relationships.

As I recognize my past relationship pain that I project into my future and onto my current relationships I am better able to separate the experiences, clean up the pain of the past and be more intentional about how I show up today.

Relationships are never perfect! Letting go of perfection is healing. Letting go of the idea that ‘if I show up perfectly, my relationships will be perfect’, is essential.  When we allow ourselves to learn and grow in our relationships, we are also more loving and kinder to the people around us who are also learning and growing.

I remember how hard and lonely my journey was through grief after a divorce, after my brother died and then after my kids died. I had to scratch and claw my way through, not understanding what I was doing or if I would ever make it out of the excruciating pain of grief.

Because I felt so alone and without a guide, I wanted to give up over and over and over again. It’s why I show up here because I want to share what I learned in the process of clawing my way through and save you the added burden of having to figure it out all by yourself.

If you’re enjoying the podcast, you are going to love the True Hope Club where I walk you through the tools of grief and rebuilding. And for a limited time you can get in for 2 weeks FREE at Join us today…and I’ll be there with you every step of the way.

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