Bugs In The Basement
Latest Episodes
Endria Inimica aka The Painted Leafhopper
Recorded live on February 29th, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolo
Dryocoetes Betulae aka The Birch Bark Beetle
Recorded live on February 22nd, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolo
Triatoma Rubrofasciata aka The Large Kissing Bug
Recorded live on February 15th, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolo
Dendroctonus Simplex aka The Eastern Larch Beetle
Recorded live on February 8th, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolog
Omiodes Blackburni aka The Coconut Leafroller
Recorded live on February 1st, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolog
Cupiennius Chiapanensis aka The Red-Faced Banana Spider
Recorded live on January 25th, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolog
Archive Select: Hypera Zoilus aka The Clover Leaf Weevil
One from the Archives...Recorded live on December 8th, 2022Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade inst
Archive Select: Utetheisa Ornatrix aka The Bella Moth
One from the Archives...Recorded live on March 30th, 2023Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instru
Archips Semiferanus aka The Oak Leafroller
Recorded live on January 4th, 2024Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technologi
Monochamus Mutator aka The Spotted Pine Sawyer
Recorded live on December 28th, 2023Two people making music on the flyBugs In The Basement creates improvised musical journeys from an array of vintage and handmade instruments to modern technolo