Buffy and the Art of Story

Buffy and the Art of Story

Salvage (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast)

January 13, 2025

In Salvage (Angel crossover S4 E13), Angelus meets The Beast (a powerful demon terrorizing L.A.) and Wesley persuades to Faith break out of prison. Along with the recap, this podcast episode focuses on: 

Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast Cover

(1) showing internal conflict (Wesley’s) through imagined dialogue; (2) who the protagonist is in a group with the same goal and two leaders (Wesley and Faith); (3) the challenges and pluses of a  conflict engine character  (Connor); and (4) subplots that resolve issues or raise stakes in the main plot.

About Lisa M. Lilly

In addition to hosting the Buffy and the Art of Story podcast, Lisa M. Lilly is the author of the bestselling four-book Awakening supernatural thriller series as well as numerous short stories. She is currently writing the latest novel in her Q.C. Davis mysteries. Her non-fiction includes books on writing craft under L. M. Lilly. She also founded WritingAsASecondCareer.com.

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