A Buddhist Podcast

A Buddhist Podcast

Letter to the Lay Priest Nakaoki

June 17, 2012

Well finally we are back with another episode of A Buddhist Podcast! Its been a long gap since the last show, so thank you for your patience.
On tonights show Jason and Karen give a lecture on a letter written by Nichiren Daishonin called Letter to Nakaoki. The lectures is based on the lecture given by SGI President Ikeda in SGI Newsletter 8294. Subjects we cover include:
Buddhism before Nichiren
Individuals create change
Buddhism in daily life
Protection from within invites protection from without
Compassionate correction
Hoisting the banner of Buddhism
Eagle Peak
How do you want to die?
Karens talk
Lives that contribute

We have shout outs that criss cross the globe. We have a great experience from Anuraag Khanna We play a great track, Happy, by Adrianne Richards from the Podsafe Music Network. We also play an independent track that we fell in love with called Right Here by Annette Beja.
If you want a shout out on the show, write and let us know or click the link on the left hand side of our website "Shoutouts". If you have a great experience of practicing this Buddhism that you would be happy for us to read on the show, you can click the link for Experiences on the site!
Thank you so much for listening, take care and have a wonderful week.