Brush Wielders Union

An interview with Kit Peteranecz of Game Envy Creations!
For the first podcast of 2023 I was joined by Kit Peteranecz, founder of Game Envy Creations (and new Union Member).
Kit shared the story of his journey from painting a D&D character to having multiple hugely successful Kickstarters for a whole line of hobby products! We talked about paint holders, paint brushes, manufacturing, and he even shared some exclusive news about their next Kickstarter coming next month for a hugely expanded line of paint brushes!
Follow Game Envy Creations on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date on their upcoming Kickstarter.
And finally, Kit was kind enough to offer a 10% discount on all their products for Full Union Members! Keep an eye out later this afternoon for another members-only post with that code.
Union Strong!
—Simon Berman
General President, Brush Wielders Union