Brush Wielders Union

An Interview with Aaron Te Hira-Mathie, Flames of War Studio Painter
Episode 3 of the Brush Wielders Union podcast! Each month, BWU General President, Simon Berman, interviews a Union member or other minis wargaming luminary.
In the second of two interviews with the staff of Battlefront Miniatures, creators of Flames of War, the 15mm WWII game of platoon and tank combat, Simon speaks with studio painter Aaron Te Hira-Mathie. Aaron is kind enough to speak with us at length about what it's like to paint miniatures professionally, shares tips and techniques for painting 15mm figures, and happily digresses to discuss his love of Team Yankee, the WWIII miniatures game!
The Brush Wielders Union is a community of like-minded miniatures gamers dedicated to playing their games fully painted and supporting one another in their craft.
Learn more at