Brush Wielders Union

An interview with Adam Loper aka Uncle Atom of Tabletop Minions
For July's podcast I had the pleasure of speaking with fellow Union Member, Adam Loper! If you've been wargaming for any amount of time you're probably familiar with his Youtube channel, Tabletop Minions, currently celebrating its 10th year! Adam and I spoke about how he got started with Beasts of War (now On Tabletop), what goes into producing regular wargaming content, the challenges of helping new hobbyists, his favorite types of games, and his own forays into wargaming development as part of Snarling Badger Studios, working on games like Space Station Zero, Majestic 13, their upcoming zines, and more.
Be sure to follow Tabletop Minions on Youtube and Instagram.
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.