Bros Bibles & Beer

Bros Bibles & Beer

137. Jesus and the woman at the fireworks stand

July 09, 2020

In this episode we talk about AI trying to protect you from AI, home brew fireworks shows, (stupid) musicals and we try to determine if Jesus was the first libertarian in history.

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Bros Bibles & Beer is: Jeff, Scott, Zack & Andy

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Grace. Peace. Cheers!


Show Notes:

New Mathematical Formula Unveiled to Prevent AI From Making Unethical Decisions

Is the Criminal Justice System Racist? A Soho Forum Debate Arguing that America's criminal justice system is, in fact, racist was Radley Balko, an opinion writer for The Washington Post.

What is your metric of truth? (VIDEO: JRE Clips w/Josh Barnett)

This Guy Won’t Stop Trolling His Neighborhood With Fake Posters, And People Can’t Stop Laughing