Broad Topics

Broad Topics

Latest Episodes

September 03, 2010

How soon is too soon to start thinking about the "R" word? That's right Baby Boomers, we're talking about "Retirement." It seems like only yesterday you were moving into your first apartment, and now it's time to start scoping out the best retirement vil

"Back To School"
September 01, 2010

Of course, when we went to school we had to trudge 20 miles in the snow, uphill, both ways. So, do these kids today have it so much easier? Well, before you buy that lunchbox and commence Lojacking your kids, take a mommy moment with the women of Broad To

August 27, 2010

Hogwash. The earth is flat, Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, and when you die you're nothing but worm food.The world is rife with Skeptics. Realists. Party Poopers? What was once science fiction, is now science fact. So what is a healthy degree of c

August 25, 2010

We predict that you are going to love this episode of Broad Topics. Educated guess? Hunch? Or Super Psychic Preternatural Prowess? In this uncertain world of ours, it's nice to get a heads up every now and then. Don't miss this opportunity to hear psychic

"Geek Chic"
August 18, 2010

Nerd, poindexter, dork, square. It's all geek to us. This episode contemplates the oxymoron, is it cool to be a geek? Find out the answer when we chat with Maggie Furlong and get the scoop on AOL's "Geek Awards" ( We also got our nerd on wit

"The Politics of Pot"
August 11, 2010

Can you get a contact high just by talking about Marijuana? Well, get some munchies just in case because the ladies of Broad Topics went to Cannabis Country. Our "trip" includes an interview with the Reverend Craig X Rubin, founder of Temple 420 which con

"Our Girl Stacey"
July 31, 2010

She is in every way a woman. Our very own Stacey Lewis takes us on a topical tour of what's on the mind of this wife, mother and entrepreneur. First, it's The Power of Parenting with award-winning producer, screenwriter and author, Antwone Fisher www.antw

"Broads on Broadway"
July 21, 2010

Are you a Musical Theatre Nerd? Or a Musical Theatre Broad? Laura Nickerson discussed that very question with the help of Tony award nominee Jane Lanier and star of film and stage Sandahl Bergman. These amazing women shared what it was like to work with

"A Few of Megan's Favorite Things"
July 14, 2010

Megan Soule has been a part of the show for a few months, but how well do you really know her? Do you know what makes her tick? Here are some hints: Helping People, Diabetes, Cleft Lips, and the future of the English Language. Make sure to listen in to o

"Web Series"
July 07, 2010

Web Series are the wave of the future, and on this episode a full guest panel of experts will discussed how they are created, watched, marketed, and celebrated. Join Marti Resteghini, VP of Programming for premiere Web TV Network KoldCast TV (www.koldcast