Broad Topics

Broad Topics

Latest Episodes

April 27, 2011

Everyone has a story to tell about that time that something creepy, weird, and simply inexplicable happened. In this episode we explored the netherworld and what we think is on the other side with the help of Sheena Metal, host of "Haunted Playground". Fi

April 15, 2011

Spirits, hooch, booze, moonshine. No matter how you mix it, it's happy hour at Broad Topics. We will be discussing the finer points of all things alcoholic. We've got the president of The Flair Bartenders' Association, Jim Allison, on tap to discuss the

He Said/She Said 2
April 06, 2011

Men are from Mars. Women are always right. In this episode we continue our "Battle of the Sexes" as our female hosts cover 5 topics including Cheating, Cleaning, and Road Rage, only to be replaced by their husbands as they jump in their chairs to discuss

"Web Mommies"
March 30, 2011

There is a new gang of Working Moms in town, the WEB MOMMIES! Women that have started their own Internet businesses while juggling kids on one knee and Google Analytics on the other. This episode features a guest panel of Mompreneurs including Joy Bergin

March 23, 2011

With layoffs and restructuring looming in many public school systems, is private school a viable option for parents in this economic climate? Will the over 7,000 teachers that have been laid off just in the Los Angeles Unified School District get their jo

March 16, 2011

If you're pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or didn't know you were pregnant, (apparently that happens a lot), we have the facts, the tips and the myths. We were also honored to welcome Anna Getty, co-founder of "Pregnancy Awareness Month," (www

"Keeping up with the Joneses"
March 09, 2011

Homer Simpson has Ned Flanders. McDonald's has Burger King. Tonya Harding has Nancy Kerrigan. Even small children want to swing higher than the kid next to them. It's a primal instinct to want to one-up the people around us. So, who's your biggest competi

"Women in Media"
March 03, 2011

Did you know that March is "National Women's History Month?" Neither did we. It just goes to show how we've taken our progress for granted. Yes, we've come a long way, baby! Wow, that's demeaning. Or is it? The point is, women are now a mainstay of our

"Interior Design"
February 24, 2011

Is your idea of interior design rearranging your refrigerator magnets? Is that "fixer-upper" still in need of "fixer-upping?" Fear not, for we have advice, tips and an expert. We were joined in the studio by interior designer Jennifer Termini of Jennifer

"All The Single Ladies"
February 16, 2011

Ah, Valentine's Day. There's nothing like a bottle of wine, chocolates, and a romantic movie while you snuggle up with your sweetie. In single woman speak that's an $8 Chardonnay, Snickers and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" with two cats. So, fo