Britwres Blog

Britwres Blog

BWC From The Vault Episode 4 - Brian Wright

June 28, 2013


Once thought lost forever, Mark recently rediscovered all seven of the podcasts that he recorded in 2010 and 2011 for the now defunct video games website, Egg Says Whut. These unconventional wrestler interviews were a bit different inasmuch as Mark didn’t really interview his guests about wrestling, they just sat down and had a chat about video games! As they’re no longer available anywhere else, we BritWresChat folk thought that you might like to hear these curiosities in a series of ‘From The Vault’ style specials. Mark has also recorded new introductions to them all. In this fourth episode, Mark chats about video games with ‘Hellraiser’ Brian Wright! Mark and Brian chat about gaming conventions and Final Fantasy 7. Enjoy!