Bristlecone Firesides

23: Jesus and the Desert Wild
When put back into his historical context, Jesus becomes a radical and wild figure. In modern times, Jesus has been overly domesticated and stripped of his color, culture, and humanity. Brother James Jones and Brother Derek Knox of the Beyond the Block podcast join Abbey and Madison to talk about the wildness of Jesus Christ.
The first half focuses on understanding the tension between Jesus the Son of Man vs Jesus the Son of God. And seeing Jesus as a reforming critic of his own religious tradition via his baptism in nature by his wild man cousin John the Baptist. And the second half looks at Jesus’ experience of being tempted in the wilderness and the Sermon on the Mount. Why was it necessary for Jesus to be tempted in the wilderness? What was symbolized by each of his temptations? And why are poorness, meekness, and emptiness privileged doorways to spiritual freedom and wildness?
Beyond the Block podcast
The Chosen by Angel Studios
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