Bring It All Back

Bring It All Back

Bringing Back 'Bring It All Back'

July 23, 2020

Hello! Long time no talk... As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to keep people in their homes, we figured now is the perfect time to bring back Bring It All Back. We loved doing the podcast back in 2017 and 2018, and were looking for an excuse to revive our own little show about revivals, reboots, and reunions. And we've definitely had a lot to talk about this year because there have been SO many reunions happening.

So we dusted off the old mics to talk about...well, a lot of things: "The Weakest Link," Quibi, "Los," and the reunions we've been loving (hi, 'Parks & Rec'!) and not loving (looking at you, '30 Rock'). Also, we get into whether or not we think quarantine will affect how shows and franchises are rebooted and revived in the future.

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