Bringing Business to Retail

Bringing Business to Retail

Get More Sales Between Now & Christmas

December 09, 2020

For as long as we can remember physical stores have relied on local footfall to bring in new customers. But with fewer people hitting the shops this is no longer a strategy business owners can rely on; now or moving into the future. To compensate I see retailers running themselves into the ground, throwing money, time and energy into poorly planned marketing activities that simply don't increase the numbers of customers making their way to their physical or online store. Or convert to sales. If you own a retail or e-commerce business and you're ready to get customers back spending instore or online this weeks episode of Bringing Business To Retail is for you. I'm going to step you through the fundamentals of creating a marketing strategy that doesn't rely on constantly generating new leads, increases your revenue and creates the kind of customer experience customers are desperate for. After the show, join the conversation or simply stay in touch at Facebook or Instagram The Bringing Business To Retail Podcast is an independent podcast produced by Salena Knight in collaboration with The Retail Academy. This month we're proud to be affiliated with Gorgias, creators of the sexiest eCommerce helpdesk integration we've ever had the pleasure of using. If you need to streamline your customer service experience head over and check out how to make it a million times easier than whatever you're currently doing. For more click here