Bringing Business to Retail

Bringing Business to Retail

How Do You Get Over The Guilt Of Working

August 19, 2020

Most Independent Business owners I meet start their store for one of two reasons; to escape the 9-5 corporate grind and spend more time with their families or doing other things they love. Or to provide the opportunity to use their talents for their own gain or to give back to others. To me both of those things represent "freedom". Thing is, before long people realise being a business owner holds more responsibility and requires more than just showing up to work each day. Before you know it those endless lists of tasks start eating into that freedom you left a well paying job or time with your kids to achieve. And in walks GUILT. Boots and all. In this episode of Bringing Business To Retail I want to share how guilt played out in my business and share some ways you can tackle your own feelings so you can get back on track to achieving the freedom you were searching for when you first started out. For more click here