Bringing Business to Retail

Bringing Business to Retail

From 7 Figures to 8 - Here Are The Strategies

July 02, 2020

Have you ever asked yourself what it is those amazingly successful 8-figure retail and eCommerce brands have that you don't? On this weeks episode of Bringing Business To Retail I'm throwing a light on the strategies and tactics those stores leveraged to take themselves from 7-figures to 8-figures and beyond. And here's a hint, you don't have to do ANY of them. After the show, join the conversation or simply stay in touch at Facebook and Instagram. Or join me for my EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes video series where you can discover more about how to scale and grow your highly successful retail or eCommerce brand even further. The Bringing Business To Retail Podcast is an independent podcast produced by Salena Knight in collaboration with The Retail Academy. For more click here