Bringing Business to Retail

Bringing Business to Retail

Retail & Ecommerce Stats That You Can't Afford To Ignore

April 08, 2020

Are you a stats person or a sick your head in the sand type? Overwhelmingly most retailers tell me analysing statistics regularly gets put in the too hard basket. But can you afford to just stick your head in the sand, when it comes to the health of your business? In this episode I'm sharing why statistics are so important to the future of your store and defining the five stats you can't ignore, if you want to grow your business. After the show, join the conversation or simply stay in touch on Facebook and Instagram. The Bringing Business To Retail Podcast is an independent podcast produced by Salena Knight in collaboration with The Retail Academy. Ready to learn more strategies to scale and grow your retail or eCommerce business? Check out our courses and resources at the Retail Academy Shop  For more click here