Bringing Business to Retail
How This Guy Lives Life To It's Full Potential - Maxwell Ivey
When you get up this morning what was the thing that you thought just got in your way? Did you think Ah I'm so busy I just can't organize dinner? What's going to be for dinner? Oh I'm so busy I have to get the kids ready. If I just had a little bit more money I could organize for somebody to be doing this thing that I don't like doing. We are always going to have stuff that get in the way. But today's guest Maxwell Ivey is an inspirational and motivational personal coach. And what I love about it is he also runs a business buying and selling carnival equipment and amusement park rides. Something a little bit different. But Max gets what it takes when you're in retail. Max also has something else that he wants to talk to us about. It's about how we work on our goals, how we work on getting things done. But sometimes it's with a physical handicap and sometimes it's with a mental handicap. I'm not going to tell you anything because Max has got a fantastic story to tell. What I will jump in and say is I am already liking this guy because he has a greyhound cross Dalmatian called Penny a gray Mason. I really want to see a picture of that. You've got to put that on the blog Max. I have a greyhound called Kav who I just had to kick out of the studio because he makes so much noise sighing. I don't know about your dog Max but my dog gets like an old lady comes to me. For more click here