Hollyhock Talks

Hollyhock Talks

Latest Episodes

Soundwalk in Vancouver with Jenn Moss and Jenni Schine
June 19, 2018

At the Hollyhock Launch party last February, Jenn…

Thriving Relationships
June 07, 2018

“There’s the noun of relationship, then there’s t…

Medical Qi Gong and Intuition
May 23, 2018

"When we heal ourselves, we can help heal others.…

Inner Alignment, Desire, and Purpose
May 11, 2018

Underneath your goals and dreams are core desired…

The Song in All of Us
May 09, 2018

“It’s amazing what lives inside of us; what magic…

Spiritual Promiscuity: The Path of the Bodhisattva
April 19, 2018

“I’ll lie down with any God that will have me.” M…

The Case for Elderhood
April 02, 2018

“If it were true that life experience automatical…

Enchanted Forests
March 22, 2018

“When you take a trip through the forest with me,…

Loving Children into Being
March 21, 2018

All of humanity is born a genius but the process …

Illusion, Enlightenment, and Love
March 19, 2018

“The biggest illusion of your time is that we are…