Bring Your Dreams Alive Podcast

Latest Episodes
E32: Creating the Impossible At Such a Young Age – with guest Emily Loughnane
Emily started her first business at age 19 and within twelve months had created a six-figure income for herself and a turnover of over $1 million dollars! In this episode, youll hear from Emily all
E31: Inspiration in the Face of Cancer and DV – with guest Tara Geraghty
From having a 3-year-old who should have been medically dead with cancer, to inspiring thousands - Tara Geraghty joins me on the new season of my Podcast Bring Your Dreams Alive to discuss her connect
E30: New Brand & Quantum Jumps
New Brand, Same Message! As I shift, my business clicks into even more alignment. I share with you today how I am personally in one of these quantum upgrades, and how it shows up in my business. PLU
E29: Quantum Magic with Christopher Blackwell
I am thrilled to share my friend the creator of Harmonic Elixirs, Christopher Blackwell with you today! Christopher has this quantum gift bringing through the vibration of possibility, amplifying you
E28: Release 2021
Episode Summary What are you ready to release from 2021 in order to make 2022 your best most 5D year yet? Is there an identity that no longer serves you that you need to release? An energetic addict
E27: Choosing Timelines
Episode Summary Are you overwhelmed by the state of the world? Can you feel the subtle tug of other consciousnesses and influences trying to lower your vibe? What would it take to create a new timel
E26 Energetic Life Audit with Therese Skelly
Energetic Life Audit, what it's like to work with Cory Michelle
E25: Are You Stuck in 4D?
Episode Summary Do you find yourself constantly trying to create more but nothing shows up, or if it does its not what you asked or is unsustainable? Do you have moments of experiencing the 5D but c
E24 Energetic Life Audit – Ending Struggle with Monica
Episode Summary Energetic Life Audits are a live session where you get to be a fly on the wall, listen in and gain all the insights for yourself! - During this session Monica was struggling with makin
Crazy Possible E23 $1 to $1m with Roy McDonald
My very first guest on the Crazy Possible podcast is one of my new favourite people and mentors, Roy McDonald. Roy has an amazing story of overcoming illiteracy to having 70 companies. - During this