BrianofLondon's Forest Talks

BrianofLondon's Forest Talks

Latest Episodes

Podcast goes back to Australia with Epic Apple Crypto Class Action and more
June 26, 2021

This week I give an update on the #CryptoClassAction Crypto Class Action in Australia and why the case that Epic Games brought against Apple, also in Australia, matters to us. Its been a long time sin

Podcast talks Podping with Taskmaster and CTP Jon
June 09, 2021

Last night I did a marathon two hour livestream with @taskmaster4450 and @jongolson talking all about Podping and Hive. It was epic. I played a few clips from some other podcasts, that didnt work out

Podcast applauds the IDF for making the media look like fools and an update on Podping
May 14, 2021

Im even more impressed with what the IDF did when I learned the result after I recorded the podcast, stay tuned to the end for the last word!

Podcast talks to Meir HaLevi Weinstein discusses Al Quds Day
May 10, 2021

My Indigenous friend, Ryan Bellerose called and I couldnt say no. Turned out we had a good old chat.I cut off the beginning of this but if you want to see it, its on Facebag. The video will be up

Podcast talks Free Speech, Tommy and Big Tech with Hearts of Oak
May 04, 2021

This was a fun interview with Peter from Hearts of Oak. We talked about Israel, Tommy Robinson and I gave a quick run down on our #CryptoClassAction against Facebook and Google in Australia.

Podcast explains why Tommy Robinsons is defending himself in a libel case at London’s High Court
April 24, 2021

Tommy Robinson is defending himself in Londons High Court against a Libel accusation by a Syrian refugee child called Jamal. Hes self representing himself and has no paid legal representation! Its an

Podcast gives March update on CryptoClassAction and JPBLiberty
March 05, 2021

We were due to have our fourth case management hearing in our Crypto Class Action Law Suit against Facebook and Google in Australias Federal Court last night. It didnt happen because its been postpone

Podcast weighs up Facebook vs Australia
February 20, 2021

In which Im talking about Facebooks fight with Australia.If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

Podcast is taking the Internet back to the decentralised future
January 30, 2021

Im trying to decentralise everything. How Im applying the principles of decentralisation to Podcasting 2.0. you derive value from my work

Podcast castigates Google and Facebook Advertising sneakiness and a short update on Crypto Class Action
December 28, 2020

Google is eating everybody elses lunch. The share of Advertising revenue that Google passes back to the content owners whose content their entire business is built on the back of, has steadily gone do