Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Left field, right wing and the rest

February 19, 2015

This week’s guest-filled Brewin Dolphin podcast looks at two topics: the current Greek negotiations with the Eurozone and the upcoming UK May election.

On the day that the UK government released public finance numbers we have an interview with Professor Steve Keen of Kingston University. He discusses his leftfield economic views and argues that people are looking at government deficits in the wrong way. He also discusses the current Greek stand-off and how he thinks his friend, Greek finance minister Varafoukis, will (re)act.

In addition, Professor Richard Rose from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow is on the podcast to discuss his recent Toscafund commissioned paper, he reveals who will win the election, what impact UKIP will have, and which party “will have done extremely well if they require a second taxi to take their MPs to parliamentâ€.

Please review the podcast on iTunes and if you have any particular requests for topics to be covered then please post them on our website or on Twitter using the tag #BrewinPodcast




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