Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Brewin Dolphin Podcast

Oil and Trash

November 13, 2014

This week, on the back of hot topics in the press: Brewin Dolphin’s equity team attempt to get to the bottom of the seemingly permanent decrease in the oil price, whilst  Ruairidh discusses ‘falling knives’ and how to avoid investing in value traps such as Quindell recently. 



The value of investments can fall and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. All information within this publication is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. No investment is suitable in all cases and you have any doubts as to an investment’s suitability then you should contact your financial adviser. The opinions expressed in this podcast are not necessarily the views held throughout Brewin Dolphin Ltd. We or a connected person may have positions in or options on the securities mentioned herein or may buy, sell or offer to make a purchase or sale of such security mentioned in this podcast. For further information, please refer to our conflicts policy in the footer below.