Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#93 Introducing Great Beyond Brewing Company

January 27, 2023

Opening your own brewery, at any point is time, comes with its own challenges and hurdles to overcome. 

Just ask the countless outfits that had COVID to contend with, weeks and months after, slinging open their doors.

And in the current economic climate, things probably aren’t much easier, to say the least.

But people are thirsty, and there remains an insatiable appetite for excellent, locally-made produce.

Which is convenient because that’s exactly what John, Ollie and Nick, the co-founders of Great Beyond Brewing Company, specialise in.

I recently caught up with John Driebergen. In this episode, the co-founder of one of London’s newest outfits discusses his love of brewing and his desire for Great Beyond Brewing Company to become part of the fabric of East London.

We also discussed the team’s experiences working in the industry and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Photo: Great Beyond Brewing Company