Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#84 Beavertown – Two Years Young

September 09, 2022

Earlier this week Beavertown announced it was to be fully acquired by Heineken UK. And earlier this summer, the brewery celebrated its 10th birthday. Much has changed since Logan Plant started the brewery in the De Beauvoir area of Haggerston, London.

And two years ago, in September 2020, they threw open the doors of their new brewery in Ponders End, Enfield. The facility, which has created some 150 jobs, has enable the business to produce up to 500,000hl and to brew in 150hl batches, equivalent of 90,000,00 pints per annum, on its Krones brewhouse. 

The brewery build was a major undertaking at any point in time, it just so happened those involved had a global pandemic to navigate during the project, too.

To mark the two years since Beaverworld opened for business, we revisit our interview with founder Logan Plant and then lead brewer Chris Lewington about the brewery’s exciting new capabilities, the hurdles the team have overcome on the way and the changing role Beavertown is playing in the wider beer sector.