Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#80 Innovation and Invention

July 15, 2022

Just how do you keep on top of innovation? Do you follow the trends, or help create them?

In the world of beer, over time, much has changed and much has stayed the same. 

And one company that has played an integral role in the development of the brewing industry, as well the distilling sector is Briggs of Burton, the world’s oldest and number one distilling and brewing design and engineering company.

With a history dating back to 1732, they know a thing or two about helping brewers and distillers achieve their goals. So with that in mind our colleagues at our sister title, The Distillers Journal, sat down with the company to find our more.

Because while spirit consumption around the world continues to grow, customers are demanding more, wanting to feel as good about the distillery as about the spirit they’re drinking. Green credentials and sustainability platforms have grown in importance as much as quality and flavour. 

However, with the rise in fuel and raw material prices, distillers have to wonder…will they be able to meet their customers demands, while maintaining a healthy bottom line? 

Joining us for this episode from Briggs is Scott Davies who discusses some of the major issues and challenges facing the industry today and how Briggs of Burton is helping them to overcome them…