Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#66 Your name means something

December 10, 2021

Earlier this week we hosted our annual Brewers Congress and Brewers Choice Awards.

During our Brewers Choice Awards, we gave out the inaugural Global Ambassador Award.

This accolade is designed to acknowledge a true catalyst of innovation and invention in the wonderful world of beer. 

And this inaugural winner is just that.

He is a brewmaster at a venerable brewery, a decorated author, and the host of countless beer tastings and dinners across the globe.

And more recently, he is the founding board chair of the Michael Jackson Foundation for Brewing & Distilling.

He is, of course, Garrett Oliver.

So to celebrate the award, we are giving you another opportunity to listen to his excellent keynote talk at our Brewers Congress in 2018 in which Oliver tells us: “If you don’t have a religion, you can’t be a craft brewer.”