Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#65 The wonderful world of terroir

November 26, 2021

The Brewers Journal turned six this autumn.

In that time we’ve put out more than 50 editions, run countless live events, hosted awards and also launched this podcast, too..

But did you know we also have a sister publication for the distilling industry?

Well now you do….

The Distillers Journal is a quarterly publication in print and also runs as a podcast each fortnight.

We are also hosting our inaugural Distillers Lectures alongside The Brewers Congress in London on the 8th December, so make sure to check that out.

For more info check out

To give you an idea of the types of topics and subjects we cover in The Distillers Journal, here is the latest episode where we delve into the fascinating world of terroir.

Depending on where it was grown, you can taste the difference in wines, coffee, tea, chocolate, and olive oil. Cheese and even some beef claim to have the effect of terroir. Winemakers universally accept that where a grape is grown influences its chemistry, which in turn changes the flavour of the wine.

A detailed system has codified the idea that place matters to wine. So why don’t we feel the same way about whiskey and the grain used to produce it?

However, master distiller Rob Arnold – based on his experience in whiskey distilling in Texas – feels otherwise. Enough so, that he’s written ‘The Terroir of Whiskey’. In this episode, Rob will explain how once local grain was reflected in local whiskies, giving these spirits a unique flavour. But once grains became seen as just a commodity, this was lost.

Rob will tell you how you can reclaim terroir in your spirits, giving you a unique marketing tool for not only better taste, but for better sales.