Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#140 | Burning Sky – Treading their own path

May 17, 2024

From Arise, Aurora and Cuvée, to Plateau, Saison Anniversaire and Luppoleto Pils, many of us are abundantly familiar with the fantastic beers produced by Burning Sky.

But how much of do you know of the story behind these beers and the brilliant brewery that makes them?

Because the Burning Sky team, led by founder Mark Tranter, prefer to let the beers do the talking.

Founded in 2013, Burning Sky have made an indelible mark on UK beer since day one. The Sussex outfit, led by Mark, are a benchmark to many brewers across the diverse spectrum of this incredible liquid.

And with the brewery celebrating its 10th anniversary last year, we invited Mark to tell us more about his journey in beer.

Speaking at our Brewers Lectures in Bristol last month, he observed how the industry has changed in the last decade and the challenges the brewery has overcome. 

He explains why Burning Sky’s rural location in Firle, East Sussex has both pros and cons, the development of their mixed fermentation offering and why when it comes to business, it’s important to understand that everyone’s aims and ambitions are different.