Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#138 | Lessons in Licensing

April 19, 2024

What’s the largest event you’ve organised alcohol licensing for? 

Well, today’s guest has licensed major festivals such as Glastonbury, pubs, bars – oh and the King’s Coronation, too.

Piers Warne is a licensing lawyer at TLT and has 20- plus years’ experience licensing premises for the sale of alcohol and other licensable activities.

This includes licensing breweries for direct sales to customers, online sales and for taprooms. He has acted on the licensing around sale and purchase of major breweries and small start-ups across the country and on registrations for AWRS and other relevant certificates, too.

So to learn more, we recently asked him to share his experiences and expertise from the licensing world, the opportunities that can arise and the potential pitfalls to avoid.