Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast #134 | Choose a path and stick to it

February 23, 2024

We’re only two months into 2024 and this year has been somewhat seismic for Mash Gang, the producers of high-quality, small-batch low and no alcohol craft beers.

In addition to a wealth of new beer releases, the team announced that they are significantly boosting their output after securing major investment from tech investor Ryan McCarry.

The investment process, managed and advised upon by Daniel Finn, brewery sector lead of Brabners LLP, marks a pivotal moment in Mash Gang’s journey, fuelling its growth strategy and reinforcing its commitment to producing best-in-class beer.

The investment aims to position Mash Gang as one of the UK’s largest non-alcoholic brands. With production upscaled to 500,000 units in a single run.

And last month, we invited Jordan to speak at our Brewers Lectures event hosted at Azvex Brewing Company in Liverpool.

In the episode Jordan explains how in beer, we all come from different starting points and why there is no such thing as a mistake – just an opportunity to learn. He asks if you are engaging with your consumer base and also why it’s important to choose a path, and stick to it. 

Photography: Noelia Amado
