Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#132 Brewing Sustainably – Where do you start?

February 05, 2024

How can we make brewing a more sustainable process? We can all pretty much agree that when it comes to the world of beer, the topic of sustainability needs to be more than a box-ticking exercise or a buzzword that we occasionally throw about as part of our business plans. 

And we’re a month into the new year so many of us are probably assessing how well our resolutions for 2024 our panning out. And from a business perspective, reducing our impact on the environment and improving the efficiencies of the brewing process is no doubt high on many agendas.

In this episode, part of our February Digital Takeover on sustainability, we discover how to approach the often-daunting idea of becoming more sustainable and also hear from a brewery that is making on-going strides to do just that. 

With that in mind we speak to Chris Lewington, the founder of Brew Resourceful. He argues that when it comes to sustainability, there are three pillars to consider – namely economic, environmental and social. 

We also hear from Joe Watts, the operations and sustainability manager at Wiper and True. The Bristol-based brewery is on a mission to reach Net Zero by 2030. 

Joe explains how the team has implemented a raft of sustainability projects but how they are also mindful these are part of an ongoing journey – one that involves constantly working to become the most sustainable brewery they possibly can be.