Brewers Journal Podcast

Brewers Journal Podcast

#129 | Joined-up thinking in quality control

January 02, 2024

Knowing why your beer tastes like it does is imperative, in all parts of the chain.

In this podcast, part of our Digital Takeover on quality control and analysis, our contributing editor Melissa Cole chairs a panel discussion with figures from the brewing industry whose roles revolve around ensuring quality and extolling the virtues of this to the wider world.

As SHE Compliance Manager at Beavertown Brewery, Jessica Maye looks after all things health & safety, food safety and environment & sustainability across their London sites. 

Previously a quality & compliance manager at Fourpure, and a PhD candidate at Queen’s University Belfast, Jessica’s role at Beavertown Brewery as SHE Compliance Manager has allowed her to continue to develop and grow her expertise in Food Safety, in addition to responsibilities such as taking on artwork and label sign off.

During this discussion she is joined by Tanya Kondratyuk, formerly quality manager at Leeds-based Northern Monk and also Amber Thorne. Having started her career in beer in the sales team at Siren Craft Brew, Amber has since moved to the iconic Bristol beer scene working with Good Chemistry and is now the Customer Account Manager at Arbor Ales.

During this episode they discuss how best to ensure the flow of essential information travels from brewhouse, to quality assurance right through to taprooms and sales – and how that flow really needs to go both ways! As Melissa says, this way everyone feels empowered, every step of the way to offer valuable feedback and information.